Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Barbie Cake

My niece just turned 4. I adore this little girl. She is oldest grandchild so naturally she was doted on by her grandparents and aunties and uncles a lot. More than is probably healthy...

For her birthday, she wanted a Barbie Cake.

Now,  making things look cool has never been my forte. I will cook you something that tastes amazing but if you want it to look pretty and perfect... I'm not  your girl...I don't have the "pretty gene"

No one in my family really does, so when my sister created a barbie cake for my niece.. I was pleasantly surprised that it was so gorgeous.

This isn't even the finished version:)

You can make them a couple different ways but the one that consists of the least cutting and smoothing is to cook one round pan of batter and cook the remaining batter in a round oven safe dish. Once they are baked and cooled, put the rounded cake on top of the flat one, stick a barbie in the middle (seriously, just shove her in there) and then frost!

The flat cake may be a little too big. So you can 1) leave it and let it add a little flare to the skirt 2) cut it off or 3) fill in the space with frosting

Its up to you:)

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